Currently the case of bullying is increasingly rampant in the community. Not a few negative impacts of this behavior, both for the bullied (perpetrators) and the bullied (victims). Therefore, this habit of bullying must be stopped immediately.
Bully is a behavior of physical or mental violence committed by one or more people by means of attacking or intimidating others. This violent behavior is common in the school environment and generally affects children or adolescents who are physically weaker than their peers.
Recognize the Effects and Characteristics of Children of Bully Victims
Bullying does not only occur when the perpetrators physically abuse the victim, such as hitting, slapping, or kicking. Bully can also be done without physical violence, which is verbally such as ridiculing, calling someone with a despicable term, spreading rumors about the victim, or embarrassing in front of many people. In this technological era, bullying is increasingly easy to occur, often known as cyber bullying. Perpetrators simply use social media to bring down their victims, such as spreading texts, photos, or videos with negative themes about victims. The bullying has many negative effects on the victim, including:- Mental disorders, such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, difficulty sleeping soundly, wanting to hurt yourself, or even suicidal thoughts.
- Become a drug user.
- Academic achievement is decreasing. This effect may occur because the victim is afraid of going to school, which has an impact on learning activities.
- Join the violence or take revenge.
- Suddenly losing friends or avoiding friend requests.
- His belongings are often lost or destroyed.
- Having a sleep disorder.
- Ran away from home.
- Look stressed when coming home from school or after checking his cellphone.
- Maybe there is a wound on his body.
How to Stop Bully Actions
In stopping bullying, you can actually intervene by coming to school, then reporting the person who is abusing your child. That way, the school can handle it directly and report to the parents concerned. The bullies must be stopped immediately. If left unchecked, this behavior can damage your child and the younger generation. Here are some steps parents can take to prevent bullying:- Cultivate moral values early on.
- Encourage children to jointly assess and distinguish good deeds from actions that are not appropriate for others.
- Build good communication with children, and assist them in the process of growth and development.
- You can also advise your child to be brave to report to teachers at school when experiencing bullying.
- If your child feels unable to talk directly, maybe he can write or email them.
- If your child is a bullying, take the child to discuss and find out the cause. Give him an explanation that this is not commendable behavior, and can not be accepted.
- Parents can invite children (both perpetrators and victims) to undergo counseling so that their mindset and behavior can be better directed.
- No less important, be a good example for children. Because consciously or not, children will imitate their parents as benchmarks in attitude.
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