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Causes of Leucorrhoea is Yellow

Leucorrhoea is one of the conditions that are often complained of by women. Leucorrhoea that changes color needs to be watched out for. If vaginal discharge is yellow, it might be a sign of an infectious disease, and we need to find out the cause. Normal vaginal fluid has clear, white or yellowish white. While the texture varies, ranging from thin, sticky and elastic, to appear thicker and stickier.

Conditions to Watch Out for

Leucorrhoea is yellow, classified as abnormal. Possibly caused by several things, such as:
  • Gonorrhea.

  • Sexually transmitted diseases characterized by yellow or cloudy vaginal discharge can be caused by gonorrhea. Gonorrhea can also be accompanied by bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, pelvic pain, pain during urination, and urinary incontinence (unable to resist urination).
  • Trichomoniasis.

  • This condition allows leucorrhoea to turn yellow or green and foamy. Other symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases are usually accompanied by unpleasant odors and pain in the vagina, and itching or pain during urination.
  • Vanginosis bacteria.

  • This condition allows vaginal discharge to be yellow or white and gray with a fishy odor. Sufferers also may feel itchy and sore in the pubic area. In addition, the area around the vulva or vagina also appears reddish and swollen.
  • Fungal infections.

  • Fungal infections can cause pale yellow vaginal discharge such as cheese or white with a denser consistency. It may be accompanied by itching, pain and swelling around the vulva, and also pain during sexual intercourse.

How to handle it?

To overcome the yellow vaginal discharge, depending on the cause. Fungal infections are generally treated with antifungal drugs in the form of creams or gels that are applied to the vagina or antifungal drugs that are inserted into the vagina. For example, nystatin, clotrimazole, miconazole and diconazole. While the treatment of leucorrhoea due to bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis is almost the same, namely using the antibiotic metronidazole or tinidazole which is consumed orally and clindamycin cream which is applied to the vagina. Yellow vaginal discharge caused by gonorrhea requires treatment using antibiotics. The possibility of antibiotics to be given is ceftriaxone can be given by injection or cefixime which is taken orally. To treat yellow vaginal discharge caused by sexually transmitted diseases, not only does the sufferer need treatment, the sexual partner of the sufferer also needs to be treated to prevent repeated transmission. Always consult a doctor, before using drugs to overcome the vaginal discharge.

Tips for Preventing Leucorrhoea

Actually, the vagina does not need to be washed with special cleaning products, because the vagina has a mechanism to maintain cleanliness. Instead, vaginal discharge or irritation in the vagina is often triggered by excessive use of soap. Here are some ways that need to be done to prevent vaginal discharge:
  • To clean the vagina, simply wash with warm water regularly.
  • If necessary, wash with mild soap. Avoid using soap with added fragrances, special vaginal cleaning products, and spray products for women.
  • Avoid too much exposure to bubble bath soap.
  • Dry by wiping from the front to the back (from the vagina to the anus), to prevent the transfer of bacteria from the anus to the vagina that can cause infection.
  • Use cotton underwear.
  • Choose pants that are not tight.
  • Avoid risky sexual behavior, such as having unprotected sex or having more than one sexual partner.
It is important for women to always pay attention to changes in vaginal fluid or vaginal discharge they experience, including when there are changes in color, odor and texture. Also watch out for other symptoms, such as itching, swelling, and redness around the vagina, or spotting and bleeding outside the menstrual cycle. If the vaginal discharge causes a change or disruption in the intimate organs, see a doctor immediately. Avoid using antibiotics outside the doctor's recommendation.


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