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Disorders that Commonly Affect the Respiratory System

Normally humans breathe at least 12-20 times every minute. But there are times when our breathing or respiration is interrupted so that breathing becomes difficult, uncomfortable, or unable to breathe at all. Here are some of the respiratory disorders that commonly occur in humans. Breathing is the process of exchanging air that is needed and not needed by the body. This system works by filtering the air so that it provides oxygen to the body. Waste products from the respiratory system in the form of carbon dioxide are released when exhaling. The respiratory system also functions to adjust the temperature and humidity of the body with the surrounding air. Other functions that are no less important are the sense of smell (nose), the sound producer, and help regulate the balance and maintenance of the functions of various organ systems in the body. To be able to breathe properly, a healthy respiratory tract plays a very important role. The respiratory tract is divided into two parts. The first part is the upper airway which covers the mouth, nose, throat, larynx and trachea area. The second part is the lower respiratory tract which includes the bronchi (throat), bronchioles, and alveoli in the lungs.

Respiratory disorders that often occur

If one part of the respiratory organ is problematic, the respiratory system will automatically be disrupted. Here are some ruespiratory disorders:
  • Flu (influenza)

  • Influenza is caused by a virus and is easily transmitted. Transmission can be through direct contact with fluids or through fluids that come out of the patient when coughing or sneezing. When the flu, nose filled with mucus so that interferes with breathing.
  • Pharyngitis

  • The main complaint in this disease is sore throat. Pharyngitis is often caused by a viral infection, but can also be caused by bacteria, so antibiotics are needed to treat it. Some cases of pharyngitis are caused by allergies or irritations in the throat.
  • Laryngitis

  • Laryngitis is a respiratory disorder that attacks the larynx or vocal cords. Inflammation that occurs is usually caused by excessive use of vocal cords, irritation, or infection of the larynx. Hoarseness or hoarseness even disappear altogether is a common symptom that arises if someone has laryngitis.
  • Asthma

  • Asthma is caused by narrowing of the airways. Shortness of breath is a common sign of this disease. Shortness of breath is usually accompanied by wheezing which is a typical high-pitched sound when the patient exhales.
  • Bronchitis

  • Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi, which is the air passages to and from the lungs. Bronchitis is generally characterized by a cough with phlegm which sometimes changes color.
  • Emphysema

  • Emphysema attacks the alveoli. Someone who has emphysema does not always show typical symptoms. But as the disease progresses, usually sufferers of this condition will gradually experience shortness when breathing. This disorder is a condition that is classified as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Pneumonia

  • Pneumonia, or commonly called pneumonia, is inflammation due to infection. Coughing up phlegm, fever, and shortness of breath are common symptoms of pneumonia. Another feature of this disease is thick phlegm which can be yellow, green, brown, or blood stained.
  • Lung cancer

  • It is one of the most dangerous types of cancer with a high mortality rate. The occurrence of lung cancer in a person is closely related to smoking both active and passive, a family history of lung cancer, a history of exposure to toxic chemicals and gases such as asbestos and radon, or breathing in long-term polluted air.
Given its vital function for survival and quality of life, everyone should maintain the health of their respiratory tract properly. If you experience respiratory problems that are already worrying, do not hesitate to contact a doctor immediately.


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