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More about USG

One factor for optimal treatment is the accuracy of diagnosing the disease. To help identify the cause of the disease in patients, doctors can use investigations, including with the help of an ultrasound device. Ultrasound or ultrasonography is a technique of displaying images or images of conditions in the body. In taking pictures, this tool utilizes sound waves with high frequency.

Conditions that require an ultrasound diagnosis

Generally, ultrasound uses a device called a transducer that is attached to the skin to emit high-frequency sound waves. However, there are several ultrasound techniques that need to insert transducers into the body. This technique requires a special transducer. In addition, technological developments make the results of ultrasound imaging not only more accurate, but can also be used with more specific purposes, for example on 3-dimensional ultrasound. Some purposes for the use and type of ultrasound used include:
  • Knowing the problems that are in the prostate by using transrectal ultrasound (through the anus).
  • Obtain imaging of the uterus and ovaries via transvaginal ultrasound.
  • Get a clear picture of the heart organ through an echocardiogram.
  • Obtain clear images of blood circulation in blood vessels with Doppler ultrasound technology.
  • Obtain visualization of abdominal tissue and internal organs through abdominal ultrasound.
  • Monitor the structure and tissue around the kidneys through renal ultrasound.
  • Obtain images of breast tissue through breast ultrasound.
  • Monitor heart rate in the fetus, usually using Doppler technology.
  • Monitor fetal development in pregnant women.
  • Monitor the structure of the skull, brain and tissue in the baby's head.
  • Taking a sample of body tissue through an ultrasound guided biopsy technique.
  • See visualization of eye structure with eye ultrasound.

Ultrasound Inspection and Technical Procedures

Patients who will undergo an ultrasound examination will usually be asked to lie on their backs. The doctor will then apply a special gel to prevent friction between the skin and the transducer. The gel also serves to facilitate the sending of sound waves into the body. During an ultrasound examination, the transducer will be moved around the part of the body to be examined. This movement is needed so that the sent sound waves are able to bounce back and bring up a good picture. Each echo that bounces will form an image in the form of size, shape, and consistency of soft tissue or organs in the body. The reflection of the waves then forms an image on a computer screen. After being evaluated, the examining doctor will explain the results of the examination and make a report about the results obtained from the ultrasound examination to the patient. If the patient wants to do an ultrasound on certain internal organs, such as the gall bladder, then the patient is asked not to eat and drink other than water for 6-8 hours before the examination is carried out. This is necessary so that the gallbladder does not experience shrinking in size. Meanwhile, for pregnant women who intend to check the condition of the fetus, doctors can recommend drinking at least 4-6 glasses of water about one or two hours before ultrasound. The goal is to fill the bladder, so that it helps improve image quality. During an ultrasound, the doctor may order the patient to change position. This is done so that the wave access to the organ being examined is easier. The ease with which sound waves access the organ increases the quality of the images obtained. Ultrasound can be done in a clinic or hospital. This procedure itself usually takes less than half an hour. There is no prohibition after having an ultrasound, so patients can carry out activities as usual. With ultrasound, doctors can detect various problems in the body's tissues, blood vessels, and body organs. Remarkably, this tool does not require surgery when displaying images to detect problems in the body. Another advantage of the method also known as sonography is the zero use of radiation. Even though an ultrasound examination has minimal risk, this procedure still has limitations. Sound waves from this tool are not able to penetrate bone and gas. For areas that are blocked by bone or gas, it is recommended for patients to use other examination procedures, such as CT scans, MRI, or X-rays.


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