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Seamless Skin Looks Thanks To Waxing

Having hair that is too dense on certain body parts, might make you feel uncomfortable or confident. As a solution, you can remove unwanted hairs by waxing. The waxing method aims to remove hairs from the body down to the roots, and make the skin smoother and cleaner. This method can generally be done on the face, legs, armpits, arms and around the chest.

Understand the Recommended Ways of Waxing

Actually it does not matter if you want to do waxing at home, it's just that many do not understand or understand the way, so it is very risky to cause adverse effects. Here are some instructions that you can follow at home:
  • Avoid retinoid creams before waxing

  • Make sure you do not use treatment products or drugs that contain retinol or retinoids before starting waxing, so that there is no flaking of the skin along with hair when waxing.
  • Clean the skin area and dry it

  • Before waxing, first clean the area that you want to wax to remove dirt, dead skin cells, and skin care products. After that, dry your skin thoroughly.
  • Follow the instructions in preparing the wax

  • Of course the wax that people use is not always the same, because many different wax products are sold in salons or supermarkets. It is recommended to read the instructions for warming the wax, which is commonly found on the packaging.
  • Apply the wax to the skin area

  • After the wax has become in the form of thick, then start applying it on the area of ​​skin that you want to work on. Try to always apply the wax in the direction of hair growth, for the best results.
  • Stick and remove strips of cloth or paper

  • When the wax is evenly distributed in the area of ​​the intended skin, then begin to put a strip of cloth or paper over the wax area and leave it for a few seconds. After that, you can pull it quickly in the opposite direction to the direction of hair growth.
After finishing waxing, you can clean it with a cloth and it is not recommended to take a bath until the skin after waxing feels comfortable and doesn't hurt. You can also use oil-free moisturizers.

Conditions That Are Not Suitable for Waxing

There are several skin conditions that are classified as susceptible to side effects from waxing, so it is not recommended to do so:
  • People who are undergoing retinoid treatment
  • Having skin irritation
  • People who have skin sores
  • Having sunburned skin
  • Suffers from chronic skin diseases, such as eczema and psoriasis
  • Suffer from autoimmune conditions, such as lupus
  • Having sensitive skin
Pregnant women should also be careful of waxing. Even more so for pregnant women for the first time doing waxing. Because skin conditions during pregnancy can change. Your body produces extra blood and fluid to support your baby's growth. As a result, your skin may be more sensitive than usual, and it makes waxing more painful. Waxing treatment should be done with caution, especially in pregnancy or other conditions that are at risk. Consult with a dermatologist about the choice of other techniques for removing hair, which suits your condition.


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