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Stomach Looks Fast Thanks to the Benefits of Sit Up

The notion that the benefits of sit ups can actually not be completely true. Sit ups can indeed make a flatter stomach, but by tightening the abdominal muscles. Sit ups are one type of exercise that trains a variety of muscles. Not only abdominal muscles, but also chest, pelvic, lower waist and neck muscles. This exercise helps train the strength of these muscles, making them tighter.

Benefits of Sit Up for Body Health

The benefit of sit ups in the long run is to burn more calories. Because by doing sit ups regularly will form muscle cells, and muscle cells more actively burn calories than fat cells. In addition, the benefits that can also be obtained from doing sit ups regularly, include:
  • Improve body balance

  • Sit ups as one of the sports that train the muscles in the pelvis, waist, and abdomen, will support the balance of the body during the move.
  • Improve body posture

  • Sit ups are effective in improving posture while helping to overcome lower back pain. Good posture can facilitate daily activities, and reduce the risk of injury to muscles and joints.
  • Beautify the shape of the stomach

  • Although aerobic exercise is needed to burn belly fat, sit ups as an exercise in the core muscles can strengthen and tighten the abdominal muscles, so that the stomach looks more flat.
One of the benefits of sit-up training is free of charge. This exercise can be done easily, at no cost, anytime, and anywhere.

How to Sit Up Correctly

Doing sit ups properly is very important to avoid damage to the muscles of the body. The risk of sit ups to watch out for is injury to the neck and lower back. If you have previously suffered an injury to that part of the body, consult your doctor before practicing sit ups. Starting the correct sit-up is lying down. Continue with your knees bent, with your feet flat on the floor so your body stays stable. Place your hands in a cross position on the chest or place near the ear. Raise your body up to your knees, exhaling while doing it. Then, lower your body back to its original lying position while breathing. For those who are just starting to practice, you can get the benefits of sit ups by doing 10 sit ups a day. You can add it gradually according to ability. Sit-up tools, which are usually available at the gym or fitness center, allow you to sit up in a sitting position. Sit ups in a sitting position can also be done to avoid strain on the neck. You only need to push the panel on your chest, then bend your body toward the thigh. When you first try it, try doing sit ups 8-12 times. Sit ups are one of the core muscles that have many benefits, but this exercise is also worth watching out for because sit ups can cause injury if done with the wrong technique. It is recommended to consult your doctor or instructor before doing so.


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